a Portland icon,

Our Next Keller is a commitment to transform Portland’s iconic Keller Auditorium into a 21st century destination. More than just a simple restoration, this is an investment in Portland’s future.

nexus of arts
and culture.

For decades, the Keller Auditorium has stood an icon of Portland’s cultural district. Our urban core built up around it over the last hundred years. This legacy and its connection to the internationally awarded Keller Fountain offers a once-in-a-generation chance to make something truly remarkable.

The vision for the 21st Century Keller turns the theater inside out, creating a new urban plaza with more spaces to enjoy art, celebrate community, and experience grand performances.

The smart

Transforming the Keller is the right choice for our community. It honors our past and bets big on Portland’s future. Surrounded by parking, hotel, restaurant and open spaces that already exist, the 21st Century Keller is more sustainable and less expensive than a new build, and will benefit our economy, neighboring homes and businesses in the downtown core.

upon a legacy
toward a more
expansive future.

It’s time we invest in Portland's strengths to foster more opportunities for art from the community up. We believe the arts should be inclusive, reflective of our cultural diversity, and enjoyed by people of all abilities and backgrounds. Our Next Keller extends beyond the 400,000 who visit every year, creating new programming and experiences for expanded and diverse audiences.

Our Keller,
Our Voices

  • "We are still here fighting for this city we love. This stunning transformation of the Keller will have a catalytic impact on the downtown and the greater Portland region. It’s the win we need right now."

    Diana Stuart, Senior Judge

  • "In Oregon, we don’t throw away our history — we restore it. From every angle — transportation, cost, climate, economics, and connecting to Keller Fountain — this is the right choice for Portland."

    Xavier Stickler, Vice President of the Downtown Neighborhood Association

  • "The 21st Century Keller offers a unique opportunity to build on Portland’s cultural district, stimulate downtown’s economic vigor and create a dynamic urban plaza that attracts and serves our diverse communities."

    Gale Castillo, Canopy President/ Co-Owner

  • "A great city needs a premium class live performance auditorium. The Keller has been this for 107 years. There has never been a more appropriate moment in Portland’s history to embrace the power of this theater. It’s place in our city is undeniable and timeless"

    Michael Curry, Principal of Michael Curry Design

  • I support the renovation and repositioning of the Keller. It builds on improvements already in place and reinvigorates an existing asset which has a place in Portland’s history. As the city charts a new vision for downtown, the Keller will be a catalyst.

    Robert Holmes, Managing Partner, THG (The Holmes Group)


Share your Story

Have a fond memory or favorite Keller Auditorium experience you want to share to show your support for our effort? We want to hear from you!


Your contribution will support our ongoing efforts to engage communities across Portland and ensure their voices are reflected in the Our Next Keller vision.

All contributions are tax-deductible charitable donations.

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